Memes are an essential part of social media now and in particular, part of your Facebook feed. The art of marketing is not to shout out “Hey, I’m marketing to you!” but rather, subtly appeal to someone. Product placement became a thing with the TV era and has been done really, really well and really, really bad.
Memes are the product placement of the new age of media. Memes can be funny, inspirational, thought provoking, engaging and most of all, a very inexpensive way to keep your brand in the feed bubble of Facebook.
We love memes and we love helping business owners reach new customers via Facebook with no ‘targeted marketing spend’. In other words, we love helping business owners organically reach more people that can turn into more customers!
Our meme packages are VERY AFFORDABLE and after all, we’ve created one simple meme that went viral with over 500 shares and had over 100,000 views.